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How To Do Upright Cable Row?

Bodybuilding, Resources

How To Do Upright Cable Row?

Want to learn how to do Upright Cable Row? Read on further for detailed workout instructions, notes, video and pro tips for learning proper form and train better for it.


What is Upright Cable Row?

It is one of the best exercises to build your shoulders.

Primary muscle: Shoulders
Secondary muscle: Upper Back / Traps
Equipment Required: Cable Station
Difficulty Level: Intermediate

How to do upright cable row?

Performing the 6 steps below, you will be able to do this exercise properly:

  1. Fix a straight bar on the low pulley in the cable station
  2. Place your feet on either side of the pulley and maintain their distance to be equal to shoulder’s width apart.
  3. Extend your arms completely and hold the straight bar with an over hand grip by keeping your hands at a distance of shoulder’s width apart on the bar with your shoulders back.
  4. Pull up the Bar towards your upper chest and extend/stretch it until it reaches just below your chin.
  5. Squeeze/contract your biceps and forearms and hold there till the count of one.
  6. Slowly and steadily return to the starting/initial position and repeat yourself.

Related workouts:

There are 5 other exercises which target the same muscles:
  1. Upright Barbell Row
  2. One Arm Dumbbell Row
  3. Kettlebell Thruster
  4. Dumbbell Incline Row
  5. Hindu / Judo Push Up / Dive Bombers

This doesn’t end here. Find out the other best bodybuilding exercises here.

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