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Top 5 Symptoms That Trigger Stress, Anxiety and Nervousness

Sleep, Stress

Top 5 Symptoms That Trigger Stress, Anxiety and Nervousness


Stress, Anxiety and Nervousness can trigger both physical and psychological symptoms. Different people may experience stress, anxiety and nervousness differently.

Stress is usually the short term experience caused by any sudden threat or an immediate demand placed on your body and brain. It can be both positive and negative.

Anxiety, on the other hand, is a long term experience of unease and discomfort triggered by stress, as it hangs on for a longer duration even after the threat has been mediated or the immediate demand has been disposed off.

Nervousness could be a temporary or permanent behavioral change caused prolonged anxiety, can limit social, occupational and other areas of functioning of a person.

Hence, it is important to keep a check on your stress levels and practice relaxation techniques as a daily routine.

Here are a few symptoms that stress can create and what you can do to help resolve the issue.


1. Excessive Sweating

Both nervousness and stress can cause you to sweat more than normal. These emotions cause your heart rate to speed up and can increase your internal body temperature, which causes your sweat glands to start working. So it’s actually really common for people to wonder how to stop nervous sweating.

If you sweat excessively and you believe that it is due to nervousness or stress, you can use clinical-strength antiperspirants (under the guidance of a medical practitioner) to control the amount of sweat your body produces.

You can carry alcohol wipes for unforeseen spurts of sweating. Rubbing alcohol helps shrink your pores, making it harder for sweat to escape.

2. Headaches

If you’re prone to bouts of nervousness or you’re overly stressed, you might have frequent headaches. Of course, over-the-counter pain relievers can help fend them off, but it is always best to try different relaxation techniques.

For example, you can get quick headache relief by practicing yoga techniques. There are specific yoga poses that relieve headaches such as the downward facing dog and seated forward bend.

3. Panic Attacks

It’s common for nervousness and stress to cause panic attacks, which can manifest in different ways. You might feel chest pain or have trouble breathing.

Regardless of your symptoms, you should practice deep breathing techniques to teach your body how to relax. You may also want to incorporate meditation sessions into your normal daily routine.

If you have frequent panic attacks, you should also discuss them with your doctor to see if there are any medicinal treatments available that could help.

4. Insomnia and Interrupted Sleep

Anxiety and stress can both cause insomnia. But even if you don’t have trouble getting to sleep, you might experience interruptions in your sleep patterns.

It is common for people who are stressed or anxious to sleep a few hours, wake up, and have trouble going back to sleep again. Unfortunately, patterns like this may also affect the way you function during the day. You might actually feel more stressed and anxious than you normally do because you’re not getting enough high-quality sleep at night.

If this is the case, you should talk to your doctor to determine how to treat your sleep-related issues. You might find that a good night’s sleep may help relieve some of your stress and anxiety too.

5. Stomach and Digestion Problems

Issues like Nausea, Diarrhea and Constipation are common stress and anxiety triggers. You can try different over-the-counter medications for upset stomachs and diarrhea.

Digestion problems may cause frequent bouts of heartburn or acid reflux. If this is the case, antacids can help relieve your symptoms. You can also alter your diet to eliminate fatty, acidic, and greasy foods. Instead, stick to foods that are easier for your stomach to digest.

Nervousness and stress can cause you to experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms. Fortunately, many of them can be offset by making simple lifestyle changes.

Make it a point to alter your diet, exercise more, and practice relaxation techniques regularly to keep your anxiety and stress at bay.

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