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10 Ways To Tweak Your Cardio Workout


10 Ways To Tweak Your Cardio Workout



There is no doubt that cardio workouts add a boost to our health and athletic performance. But have you ever thought that there are tweaks, which can help you get more out of this workout? Well, so here we are, giving away 10 simple cardio tweaks that will not only increase the effectiveness of your workout session but also boost your strength performance.

The Super 10 Cardio Booster Tweaks

  1. Think Beyond the Treadmill

    For all those who don’t feel like running on their treadmill, we have some of the best “must- follow” advise of achieving the same level of intensity and hitting the deck.
    Instead try using free weights like kettle bells and dumbbells for a strength improving training session. Pull off some easy sets and take 20 seconds break after each rep.
    The strength training provides almost equal outcome as that of a cardio workout session.


  1. Wait And Start

    High intensity workout training can equalize your effort of a cardio workout session. You burn more calories and build more muscles. But don’t forget that any high intensity workout goes beyond the scope of any normal cardio workout. So if you are a beginner, better watch out for this kick-ass workout session.


  1. Tabata Exercise

    Tabata as we all know is one form of high intensity interval training (HIIT). Quick, crisp and short- that is what a Tabata workout offers you. A normal HIIT lasts for not more than 4 minutes but gives you a better optimized result that most of the long training sessions cannot provide.


  1. Mix it Up

    Performing strength training sessions with a blend of cardio fitness exercises can give you better results in less than 8 minutes. Better go for any of the bodyweight exercises after your normal cardio session rather than going for a break. This will give you better results in no time.


  1. Speed Up Your Exercise

    Running on the treadmill at a slow pace is monotonous. Speed up the treadmill to  improve your consistency and pace.


  1. Free-Weight Training

    It has been seen that free-weight training, like the one with the help of kettlebells gives you a better cardio perks than normal weight training exercises.


  1. Team Exercise

    Working out with people who have similar interests as yours helps to boost your performance. Group activities improve your workout ability and helps you gauge your daily workout regime. Implement them in your schedule and observe the fun and fitness add- on in your exercises.


  1. Add Weights To Your Exercises

    It has been seen that adding weight to your exercises help you improve your intensity, recovery from injuries and performance. But make sure that you add weight with a mechanism that suits you. Start with small weights and keep on adding as soon as you observe the improvement.


  1. Mental Fitness

    Mental fatigue can prompt you from getting with your normal workout schedule. You might get carried away with the thought of “not-mentally-well” and end up postponing or even canceling your schedule. The gimmick can be trying out something crazy (You heard it right!). Make your own motivational anthem or mantra that would boast your enthusiasm. Kick yourself for the damn workout !!!


  1. Get A Workout Playlist

    Pep up your workout with a tincture of music.  Music improves your workout regime and motivates you to perform well.


So now that I have given you the tips, all you need to do is follow them and get rewarded with fast recovery, improved strength and better muscle growth. Do remember to share your visible results and experience with  me in the comments below. I am sure your results will be positive.

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