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Can Nutrition Help Sleeping???


Can Nutrition Help Sleeping???


Can Nutrition Help Sleeping?

Q.  Can Nutrition Help Sleeping?

A.  Nutrition can be a great way of enhancing sleep, along with general relaxation and exercise. If you are highly stressed throughout the day, it is likely to interfere with a good night’s sleep [1]. So take a B complex supplement, 1,000 mg of vitamin C and 300 mg of magnesium daily to help your body balance energy levels. Another important factor is your blood sugar —fluctuating levels can disturb sleep. If you crave sweet foods or stimulants such as tea, coffee, chocolate or cigarettes, you may have poor blood sugar control. The solution is to eat wholefoods and fruit that have a stabilizing effect on your blood sugar levels. Kiwifruit is known to possess properties that help elevate sleep onset, duration and efficiency in adults with self reported sleep disturbances [2]. 200 mg of chromium supplement also helps. The herb Valerian also promotes a good night’s sleep [3]. You need about 500 to 1,000 mg taken one hour before’ going to sleep. A brisk walk before bedtime can also help to clear the mind and get you ready for a good night’s snooze.


[1] Koehl M, Bouyer JJ, Darnaudéry M, Le Moal M, Mayo W. The effect of restraint stress on paradoxical sleep is influenced by the circadian cycle. PMID: 12020861.

[2] Lin HH, Tsai PS, Fang SC, Liu JF. Effect of kiwifruit consumption on sleep quality in adults with sleep problems. PMID: 21669584.

[3] Taibi DM, Bourguignon C, Taylor AG. Valerian use for sleep disturbances related to rheumatoid arthritis. PMID: 15222600.

Photo credit: USDAgov / / CC BY

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