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7 Ways to Make Your Home a Place You Love To Be


7 Ways to Make Your Home a Place You Love To Be


After a long day at work, you want to have a peaceful rest in your home. This means it should entail comfort and bliss, whether you live alone or with your family.

You can make your home comfortable by getting rid of anything that bothers you. If it is an object, get rid of it. Also, you can introduce new items that would make your home more comfortable.

Here are more tips on turn your house into the heaven you dream of:


1. Install Rolling Library Ladder

A rolling library ladder is perfect to use in your room. It gives you easy access to books that are placed on top of the shelf. You’ll only need to engage it if you want to access your top shelves. Such an item will increase the amount of space that you can use to install other items. You can also put plants or paintings above the bookcase to enhance your home décor.

2. Try Quirky Home Decor

If you want to enjoy your time at home, bring quirky items to make it more comfortable for you. It should not be too serious since your house is the only place where you can relax and unwind. You can put cartoon paintings or photographs of characters that remind you of good memories. To further express your personality, put items that are related to your favorite hobby. The more you make it personal, the more your home will look like a place where you love to be.

3. Knickknacks and Photos

If you want to make your house feel homier, increase the number of photos displayed on your walls. You can also put other knickknacks like ceramic figurines, vases, and many others. If you want to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, place small potted plants in strategic places around your home. This way, you can feel relaxed and at peace as soon as you enter your abode.

4. Build a Home Gym

If you want to maximize the space in your home, build a home gym and adjoin it to your living room. It would be great for you to check out the machine before and after using it so that nothing gets misplaced. Also, you can spend quality time with your family while doing your exercise routine at home. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on such an item. You can buy used exercise equipment in local stores around your area and still get the same benefits.

5. A Home Office Area

If you’re too stressed at work, it would be great if you had your own office at home. It is better than having a separate room since most homeowners prefer using the space for other purposes. Having an office area would give you the chance to do your work in a quieter place. You can put bookshelves around it and decorate them with your favourite knickknacks, photos, or paintings that represent inspiration.

6. Make Your Home Smell Great

If you want your home to be inviting, you can use scented candles. If you love the smell of vanilla, put a few around your living room. You can also use potpourri to fill the air with its pleasing fragrance. You can even make your own using cinnamon sticks or orange peels placed in boiling water on the stove. This way, you don’t have to continuously buy scented candles to give your home a great aroma. You can do it as a DIY project.

7. Give Your Shelves a Makeover

If you want to make your shelves look as good as new, use different colors. It may be too bland if the colour of your wall and those of your shelves are similar. Also, consider painting one set of the shelves with a contrasting colour that will stand out and improve its appearance. By doing this, it can already be an additional accessory for your room. You can try white or black or go for bright colors like green and blue. This would enhance the room’s beauty and serve as eye candy to everyone who visits your home.

There are many ideas you can try to make your home look great. A home should be somewhere that you want to spend most of your time in, so it would be best to engage yourself with ideas on how to decorate or improve the appearance of your abode.

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