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How to get a gorgeous skin in 8 steps


How to get a gorgeous skin in 8 steps


8 Steps To Gorgeous Skin

Everyone among us irrespective of our gender or age complain about our skin. Be it our first zit to our first ageing line or our dark circles from our haywire schedules to the tan due to UV rays (darn!!! Global warming). But what we forget is that a little bit of care for our skin right know will reap us rich dividends in the future and trust me, the keys to gorgeous skin are still the age old ones.


Healthy Diet

It’s hard to deny our love for pizza and pasta but whole grains stuff today are more awesome for the taste buds, the diet conscious as well as the skin. Steer clear your fridge of processed foods and load it instead with fruits, veggies and protein source like fish.

Drink Water

It should have been included in the first point itself but it is so important for your skin that it demands special attention. Water flushes out the toxins from your body leaving behind a clear and healthy skin. Also it keeps it hydrated and is good for health. An 8 to 10 glasses a day are sufficient.

Sleep Well

A beauty sleep is necessary… well… to keep you beautiful. Try to maintain a proper sleeping pattern so that your skin gets time to mend and rejuvenate. But you should always remove your make up before sleeping.

Cleaning, Toning and Moisturizing

Never ever forget this small mantra and most importantly, use products that are suitable for your skin type. (read: 14 Acne mistakes you might be making)

Use Sunscreen

It is your best friend on a day out, be it summer or winter. Also, it protects your eyes by wearing shades and hats.

Cosmetic Selection

Be careful while selecting what you apply on your skin because they can cause more harm than good. Make sure you are not allergic to the chemicals in the products.


Exercise regularly to maintain balance and also sweat provides a good way to release the impurities.


A smile can really create a big difference not only to the way you look but also to your skin issues and trust me, a frown wrinkle would undoubtedly be the last thing that you would want on your face.

And finally, DETOX!!

Read these Skin Renewal Tips to Detox For A Natural Glow.

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