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Why Social Support Is Important in Rehab

Battling Addiction, Happiness, Mental Wellbeing

Why Social Support Is Important in Rehab


Social support is an important part of the recovery process, since it has been proven to help a person get better after an illness or addiction. When you’re recovering from a serious illness or addiction, it can be a challenging and daunting process. Recovery often takes a lot of time, work, and patience from the person going through it.

Social support is the emotional, and practical assistance people receive from their social networks. This can include support from family, friends, colleagues, healthcare providers, and community members during and after treatment at a facility like America’s Rehab Campuses.


Benefits of Social Support

Some benefits of social support include the following:

It Helps Maintain a Positive Attitude and Outlook

Rehabilitation can be challenging, and setbacks are common. Having a strong support network in place can help you stay motivated and focused on your recovery goals. Studies have shown that people with strong social support systems are more likely to adhere to their rehabilitation plans and achieve better outcomes.

It Helps You Feel Less Isolated

Recovering from an addiction can be isolating, and you may feel disconnected from your social networks. Having a support system can help you feel more connected to others and less alone during rehabilitation.

It Helps to Replace Old Habits With Sober Activities

Social support can provide you with alternative activities to replace old habits that may have contributed to your injury addiction. For example, a support group can provide you with opportunities to take part in sober activities, such as exercise, hobbies, or social events, which can help promote healthy habits and reduce the risk of relapse.

It Helps You in Finding a Mentor

Social support can help you find a mentor, someone who has gone through a similar experience and can offer guidance and support. This can be particularly helpful for those struggling with their rehabilitation or are new to the process. A mentor can provide emotional support, share their experiences, and offer practical advice, leading to better outcomes.

It Provides Practical Assistance

Social support can also provide you with practical assistance to help manage your daily life during rehabilitation. For example, a friend or family member may help with household chores, cooking, or running errands. This can free up your time and energy to focus on your rehabilitation activities.

Types of Social Support

There are three different types of social support that can be helpful during rehabilitation. These include:

  • Emotional support involves providing encouragement, empathy, and listening to your concerns. This type of support can be beneficial during times of stress or when you feel overwhelmed.
  • Informational support involves providing you with information about your condition, treatment options, and resources available to them. This can help you feel more informed and empowered during the rehabilitation process.
  • Tangible support involves providing practical assistance, such as help with transportation, running errands, or providing meals. This type of support can help you manage your daily life and reduce stress during the rehabilitation process.


Social support is an essential component of the rehabilitation process. It can help individuals maintain a positive attitude, provides practical assistance, reduces feelings of isolation, and improves overall outcomes. Healthcare providers often work with individuals and their social networks to identify ways to enhance social support during rehabilitation.

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