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How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise


How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise


Everyone has a state that you can’t directly see, but it exists. Your current state is the combined result of 3 things that matter the most:

  1. Health
  2. Energy
  3. Willpower

If your state gets too low in one area, then your body will disobey your own instructions until your needs are met. For example, if you study when you’re exhausted and hungry, soon you’ll see your concentration switch something less important such as an Instagram reel.

Especially, when your willpower is low then you are only able to do things that you really want to.

Here are 7 tips on how you can boost your states so that you sustain the will to get into a daily workout routine.


1. Get on a regular sleep schedule

Before you can expect your body to be ready for exercise, you have to get on a sleep schedule that fills you with energy, but still leaves you enough time in the day to get all of your work and exercise done. To help with a sleeping schedule, try closing your windows earlier in the day, get a French door for your bedroom to block out extra sound, and settle down for a good book about an hour before bed.

2. Start with simple stretches

You want to start your day off with simple stretches. This is something you need to get into the routine of doing. When you wake up, after you make your bed, before breakfast, do a few simple stretches. Once you are into the routine of doing these stretches without even thinking about it, you can move on to a more complicated, and long morning routine.

3. Do yoga first thing in the morning

Once you have mastered the art of stretching first thing in the morning without even thinking about it, you can move on to yoga. You will need to do yoga for at least 30 minutes in order for it to be worth it. This will help you loosen your body, and it will help clear your mind. In order to be ready for exercise in your daily life, you need to be loose and stress-free. Yoga is the next step to accomplishing this goal that you have for yourself.

4. Eat an energising breakfast

You don’t want to get filled up entirely when you eat breakfast, but you want to make sure that you have food inside of you that is energising. Get some caffeine, a few carbs, and burn all of that off during your yoga and stretching. While you aren’t doing difficult physical activities that require that kind of diet yet, it is always best to be in that routine.

5. Get a step tracker

If you are finding it difficult to walk around in your normal everyday life, you can buy a step tracker and be instantly motivated to move around more. Even though you are still not ready for a full daily workout routine, the step tracker will at least motivate you to walk more throughout the day, which will speed up the process that you are going through to be ready for the daily exercise routine.

6. Only exercise a few days a week at first

When you are finally ready for exercise every single day, or at least you think you are ready, you still want to take things slowly. You want to only do exercises every few days so that your body can be used to that schedule. Try working out on Mondays, but taking Tuesdays and Wednesday off, and then coming back on Thursday for another workout.

7. Find simple exercises that take no longer than 5 minutes to do

When you have done that for about a week or so, try adding smaller workouts on your off days. This will bring you into working out every single day of the week, except for on the weekends. Make sure that you are doing heavy stuff every other day, and have the light exercise fill in the days after you have a heavy workout. This will keep your body from getting tense, and you will be working out every single day.


Once you’ve been through all of these steps, you will be able to up the workout times, and the intensity of the workout that you are doing. But don’t push yourself. Make sure that you give your body time to adjust to each change before moving to the next step. If you jump activities too quickly, you will become too sore to workout and you will end up back at square one.

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