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Common Exercises, Precautions & Things To Do During A Whiplash

Fitness, Health

Common Exercises, Precautions & Things To Do During A Whiplash


Ever been in a car accident? 

The thought of an old devastating accident sends fear down our spine. We have all been through it – the pain, the injury and the most common – whiplash.

Whiplash injury occurs when the body is static, but there is a sudden jerk in the neck, causing it to make an abrupt to and fro motion. This movement of neck results in tearing of soft tissues and ligaments, causing excruciating pain in the neck and shoulder region. Not only does it cause extreme pain, but it also restricts your range of motion. This decreases the ability to make random gestures that involve your upper body. The symptoms occur after a day or a few hours after, so it is recommended to seek medical attention from your auto injury doctor before the situation worsens.

Below, we outline the precautions to take and things to practice during a whiplash:


1. Restrain on Normal Activities 

Whiplash may be considered as a common injury, but it does have an impact on your day to day activities. If not taken care of, it can have some long-lasting effects on your health. Exercising and working out is a regular part of many people’ people’s daily routine. Exercise and being hurt while you’re still recovering can worsen your symptoms and cause permanent damage. Take precautions instead to repair your neck before you train again.

2. Some Common Symptoms of Whiplash

Despite being experienced a bit late, whiplash does have some notable symptoms that start appearing after the first few hours. The intensity of pain felt by whiplash is entirely dependent upon the severity of the injury.

The most prominent symptoms of whiplash include shoulder stiffness and rigidity that can deteriorate during the first few days following the injury. It could be awkward and frustrating to move your face side by side and glance up and down. You may also experience nausea, dizziness and tiredness.

3. Whiplash Treatment 

Whiplash is generally treated by rest, ice, heat treatment and sometimes over-counter or prescription pain medication. Speaking about the extent of your problems to your physician will help you determine the best treatment plan.

4. Road to Recovery 

Rest is essential immediately following the wreck. For the first couple of days following the accident, discomfort is typically more noticeable but starts to dissipate after a few days. In contrast to sleep, ice and heat treatment, as well as corresponding pain medication, can be soothing.

Auto injury doctors may also prescribe specific forms of treatment that can contribute to health restoration. A chiropractic adjustment, exercise and recovery therapies may be used to ease pain and regain the entire range of relaxed motions of the neck and shoulder.

5. Exercising with Whiplash 

Since you should stop neck activity for the first 24 to 48 hours as much as you can during that period, exercises are usually discouraged. You will begin to add daily activities that need your neck to turn and move, while your neck continues to recover, and the discomfort subsides.

Raise your workout frequency as the discomfort reduces with time. Once the pain is gone, even exercise is a risk of a neck injury or contact sports. Therefore, stop doing exercises or playing games that can cause neck injuries or even whiplash. Low impact exercise, including running, meditation and singing, are best until you are fully recovered.

6. Some Examples of Safe Exercises

Some exercises can improve the range of your movements after a Whiplash. Make sure to move without discomfort and as much as you can. Some of the most common exercises that are recommended by specialists are:

  • Neck Extension
  • Isometric Exercises
  • Side Bends
  • Chin Tucks

Neck Extensions 

Stand with your feet as far as the length of the knee. Keep the toes pointed forward, and the hands-on your sides. Brace your abdominal muscles to support your spine, then ease down and pull back and forth your scapulae without your lower back arching.

Slowly drop your head to the chest (back bending). Think about pushing your chin straight into your throat by squeezing it. Return to the starting spot for 15-30 seconds. Take your skull base gradually to your back (render your neck) and move your chin up to the roof. Make sure your shoulder remains relaxed. Hold the position for around 5 to 15 seconds and make 2 to 5 repetitions.

Isometric Exercises

Isometric exercises are the ones that do not involve abrupt movements or gesture changes; instead, they can tense the muscles without any motion. One of the most effective yet isometric exercises that can be done with a whiplash injury is the plank.

Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and keep the right hand with a medium to a heavy dumbbell.

Take the elbow with 90 degrees and both forearms on the ground to a changed push-up position. Place your hands under your arms squarely and look directly to the ground. From the crown of the head to his knees, the posture should be perfectly straight to take your body back to the beginning position.

Side Bends 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping in your right hand a moderate to a strong dumbbell. Engage the core and bend to the ground on your waist. Let your weight slowly bring you down. Take the body back to its starting position, withdrawing from its core.

Chin Tucks

Sit straight and look straight ahead while keeping your ears right above the shoulders. After this, put the finger on the chin. Once the position is set, drag the chin and head backwards without moving the finger. Keep moving until a stretch can be felt at the top of the neck right at the lower end of your head. Stay in the same position for at least 5 to 10 seconds.


Whiplash injury is quite common after an accident, but it can have long-lasting effects if not treated properly. Usually, it is recommended not to exercise right after the injury. Still, you can commence with low-impact exercises after a few days of rest and gradually initiate more active and mobile workouts.

For pain relief treatment in arizona, you may look at a chiropractic.

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