Q. Why do I feel a hangover after a smoky party?
A. You’re not a smoker. But a night at a smoky bar or party can easily make you feel like having a hangover from passive smoking. If you really feel terrible, it probably means that your body’s detoxification processes aren’t working well. Follow a sensible, wholefood diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with a measured amount of high-quality protein and grains like quinoa. Drink 1.5 liters of pure water a day. Vitamin C and other antioxidants are important for good liver detoxification [1]— so especially after a night out, before you go to bed take a high-quality antioxidant and lg of vitamin C. The vitamin A in the antioxidant blend is also good for your lungs. Finally, check out the herb milk thistle, which offers excellent support to your liver [2].
References: [1] Zh Nevropatol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. [Features of vitamin C metabolism and the functional status of the liver in alcoholism and alcoholic delirium in the stage of detoxification therapy]. PMID: 3577514. [2] Jacobs BP, Dennehy C, Ramirez G, Sapp J, Lawrence VA. Milk thistle for the treatment of liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PMID: 12427501.
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