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3 Things You Should Know About Spinal Decompression


3 Things You Should Know About Spinal Decompression



Do you seem to have a back pain that cannot go away? Does your arm, neck or leg pain you a lot? Then it’s high time you consider a spinal decompression treatment to have that nagging pain treated.

Decompression treatments have been proven to help treat pain and pain-related ailments effectively if done correctly. So, if your doctor recommends or you decide to undergo this procedure then these three things are essential for you to know.


What Is Spinal Decompression?

Such complex medical procedures might not be well-known by patients and it is always good to first know what the procedure is all about. Spinal decompression is also known as laminectomy is a type of the surgery normally performed by surgical incisions on the spinal area from the neck downwards.

In the process, the bone that covers the spinal cord and acts as its roof (lamina) is removed together with attached soft tissues to give ample space to nerves and also emit osteophytes that are produced where bones meet. This is done to avoid the narrowing of the spinal cord which can cause muscle feebleness, the tenacious back pain of both the legs and arms including numbness.

The surgery can only be done if your symptoms are persisting while on treatment through medications or physical therapy.  Before you undergo the procedure, ensure that your doctor has explained to you the pros and cons of the procedure and tests were done beforehand.

Also, inquire about any side-effects that might arise after the procedure and how to go about dealing with them.

Needs to Be Done by Certified Medical Professionals

This is a complex medical procedure that cannot be done by just any person. Mostly, the procedure is done by certified chiropractic professionals who use an FDA approved, computer-based machine to administer the required force that is no more than 65% of the patient’s body weight. The procedure can also be undertaken by an orthopedic or a neurosurgeon.

Should you want to undertake this procedure ensure that you visit a certified medical center or specialist. Furthermore, ensure that if you have to undergo the surgery treatment that all the pre-surgical tests are done correctly by the required medical professionals. You will not want things to go wrong because quacks were handling you.

The Batson ChiroHealth Group in Nashville is one of the best and highly recognized medical centers that specialize in spinal decompression treatments.

It Is Safe and Treats Any Type Of Body Pain

Basically, this procedure has been on the rise due to the many positive remarks given by patients who have used this treatment procedure. The surgery part is usually avoided and this makes the procedure safe for just about anyone.

If you happen to experience stinging pain on your arms, backside and up to your legs, hand immobility, numbness of the arms and legs, and stiffness of the neck, lack of wellness even with medication and physical therapy, and lower back then you can undergo the spinal cord decompression.

Other severe symptoms such as trouble walking and standing, paralysis, bladder control, sexual inability and improper bowel movements can also warrant a spinal cord decompression.



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