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The Paleo Diet: A Quick Guide for Beginners

Diet, Fitness

The Paleo Diet: A Quick Guide for Beginners


If you’re a health conscious individual and are currently looking for new diets, then you’ve probably heard about the paleo diet before. The principle behind it is very interesting, and many people who’ve adopted it swear by it. It’s also a fairly complex and demanding diet that requires some significant changes in your daily eating habits. In this article, we’re going to give you a quick introduction to the diet and how you can start your paleo journey.


What’s the Paleo Diet Exactly?

The paleo diet is a fairly recent one and rests on the idea that we should be eating the same foods we were eating during the Paleolithic period roughly 10,000 years ago. This was before things like refined sugars and grains were massively produced and consumed. Proponents of the diet claim that these foods are unnatural and that our bodies haven’t adapted to them, which is the reason for so many diseases and disorders.

The goal is to reverse the effects the rapid transition from hunter-gatherer to agriculture did to our bodies. Some of the diseases that have been linked to our modern diets include diabetes, obesity, and heart disease among others.

The Facts

There is also a lot of evidence that there is some truth to this diet and that it could actually have many beneficial effects. Many clinical trials have compared the paleo diet with other diets like the diabetes or Mediterranean diet, and the paleo diet seems to have benefits specific to it that others couldn’t match. For instance, those on the paleo diet reported more weight loss and lower glucose tolerance, which is a precursor of diabetes. Not only that, but they had lower levels of triglycerides in the body, more control over their blood pressure, and better appetite management.

How to Get Started on the Paleo Diet

First, you need to have a clear idea of what is forbidden and what you’re free to eat. As a rule, you should refrain from eating anything containing legumes. That also includes things like peanuts and peas. Salt, potatoes, grains, or anything containing refined sugars should be avoided as well. However, you are free to eat all the lean meats and fish you can. You can also eat nuts and seeds that are not part of the legume family.

The next step is working on a meal plan. Planning and prepping for a paleo diet is essential if you want to be able to stick to it and watch your nutrients. If you don’t know where to start, you can check this page and try a paleo meal plan.

One example of a typical paleo meal would be lean meat like beef sirloin, for instance, with steamed vegetables like broccoli and a salad. But you have to be careful with salad dressing as they tend to be chock full of sugar. A light vinaigrette made of olive oil, garlic, and lemon juice would be a perfect alternative. Look at as many meal plans as possible, find the ones you like the most, and mix and match menu for variety.

A few tips when dining out

Another thing you’ll have to watch is if you like eating out often. Most meals at restaurants aren’t the most paleo friendly, so you’ll have to plan carefully when choosing a place to eat. Try to go somewhere that will allow you to have a wide variety of sides. For instance, you could switch a baked potato or fries with sweet potato instead. The most important thing to look for is options, then you’ll be able to make decisions based on your plan.


The paleo diet has tons of benefits and is still a very satisfying diet even with the restrictions. Make sure that you consider making the jump, and plan thoroughly if you want it to be a success.

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