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The 1 Hour-A-Week Full Body Workout


The 1 Hour-A-Week Full Body Workout


Finding the time to exercise is difficult these days. But, there will be that one day in the week when you will most likely have to yourself. This day is the perfect time when you can carry out a well designed, one-hour training program for a healthy and well-shaped body.

Generally, you would want to train for at least three days in a week. But, that is not always possible. So, in such a case you can choose to follow the workout program below, which is just right for you.

Start by stretching your body as a part of the warm-up session to make it ready for the training. Doing so, will also ensure that your body remains resistant to any possible injuries. The warm-up is the followed by performing strength training and then cardio. This is what the workout will look like:

  • Static Stretching – 5 Minutes
  • Strength Training – 30 Minutes
  • Cardio – 25 Minutes
  • Total Workout Time – 1 Hour

Let us take a look at the functions and benefits of all these different components other than keeping you in shape.



Before we proceed with training, it is important that we stretch our bodies. Stretching helps to increase the body’s flexibility and range of motion (ROM) within the joints. It also allows you to exercise efficiently without having to worry about any possible injuries that might occur during the routine. Additionally, static stretching is, even more, important for those who do not train often as the joints are tight and suddenly need to various motions.


How to Perform Static Stretching

Static stretching means, to perform any other movements after having stretched. By definition, you are stretching a joint and its surrounding muscles to its maximum range of motion, and then holding it there for at least 30 seconds. While doing so, apply the stretches carefully and slowly each time to prevent yourself from straining a joint.

Some examples of static stretching:

  • Single-arm cross stretch
  • Behind the back chest stretch
  • Single-leg standing quad stretch
  • Straight leg hang
  • Overhead triceps/shoulder stretches
  • Side neck stretch
  • Static trunk stretch

Strength Training

This type of training is not necessarily intended to only increase our muscle mass, but also to strengthen them and increase muscular endurance. This means, our muscles are more capable of being used for a longer time. Strength training also helps in making the bones stronger and decrease the rate of bone density. There are numerous other health benefits that can be obtained from all of this, and your body looks great as well.

Military Press

How to Perform Strength Training

Strength training is focused, in moderation, for everything to allow better performance and focus on the a range of motion as well. Moderate amounts mean that you can do 4-5 sets of an exercise with 8-10 repetitions for each set. You might not be able to do each set easily, but you should try to not fail on any set unless it is the last one. This is what allows strength training to take place. You can use anything that creates resistance – even your bodyweight.

Exercises to consider performing:

Cardiovascular Training

Whenever we say “cardio” it has something to do with our heart. That is why cardiovascular training is designed to exercise your heart and the circulatory system that supports it. Conditioning your heart through training gives you possible protection against medical conditions such as heart disease while also making it capable of boosting your metabolism for proper fat loss with any added support from supplements. Cardio exercises are the easiest type of training to do especially because it requires no equipment.

cardiovascular training

How to Perform Cardio Training

Cardio is also known as aerobic training because while you are exercising for long durations it causes the muscle fibers to use oxygen that supports the extra minutes or hours of training. There are a lot of details explaining this training more thoroughly. But the basic need-to-know information is that you need to exercise with higher intensities that last longer than 10 minutes, especially if you really want to receive cardio benefits.

You can carry out this workout at home, in the gym, or outdoors. People often believe that to perform home cardio workout routines they need a treadmill or something similar, but there are other exercises that can actually be performed without the need of this equipment.

Here are a few examples of cardio exercises for you to do at home within the safety of your own home without involving any sprints or running.

Are You Ready for Change?

Changing your body to become healthier and fit is the best way to increase the chances of living a longer life, and it only takes one hour of training in a day every week. The best way to accomplish this is using the program details given to you. These details deliberately space apart the different training variations from each other. So, what exercises will you be adding into your workout program? Share your thoughts so that others may benefit from your chosen exercise list as well!

About the Author:

Demmy James Profile PictureDemmy James is a fitness buff as well as a strength and conditioning specialist. He is also a content contributor for Muscle & Strength.

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