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The 10 Most Effective Ways To De-Stress

Happiness, Stress

The 10 Most Effective Ways To De-Stress



Life is a little stressed and a little uncomfortable. But life is also beautiful and when you understand that then you’d know that it is only your mind’s resistance to life that brings stress and staying happy is equally important. Your body needs laughter as much as it needs tears. Both are cleansers of stress. De-stressing & Relaxing is all about getting your mind off of the stresses of life. This helps you to stay calm and at peace and achieve in life. So here are the 10 Most Effective Ways To De-stress to feel more relaxed in your daily life:



For a quick-fix relaxation exercise, if you’re out and about, look straight ahead at a wall opposite and just above eye level. Keeping your eyes on that point, begin to broaden your vision so you notice more and more of what’s around it. Gradually bringing your attention to the present like this will help your body relax.


Did you know that nakedness has been shown to help combat stress? Close the curtains, turn up the heating and have some naked time at home to help you feel really free.


Get a small brown paper bag, squash the top together as if you were going to pop it and breathe in and out through it as slowly as you can for 30 seconds to a minute. Stop if you feel light-headed. It’s a great remedy for anxiety, panic attacks and general stress.


If you feel the stress building-up inside you and don’t know what to do about it, take yourself off to a quiet corner and scream it out. Primal screaming has been shown to lower blood pressure and unleash stress and deep-held feelings so make it as loud and heartfelt as you like.


Many people believe that water has spiritual qualities for healing, so a gentle swim is a good choice after an argument or to wind down after a stressful day at work. Swimming is also a particularly good form of exercise[1] because you’re weightless in the  water, which has positive physical and emotional effects.


Imagine you have a bubble of energy projecting from your central point and surrounding you, like a force field. Give it a color if you want, and use it to shield you from stress and tension. This is especially good on public transport.


In emotional situations, it can be useful to be able to step outside yourself, so let your imagination do just that. Imagine you are floating above your body, higher and higher, until you reach a comfortable point. Then use your new perspective to help you deal with the situation better.


Imagine you had an invisible friend who told you all the negative things you tell yourself during the day. Would you take that kind of abuse? Make your own voice your best friend by striving to be positive. Practice the empty chair technique, where you sit with an empty chair or cushion opposite you, imagine yourself facing you and speak positively to yourself about concerns.


If you often get irate or stressed at your desk, give your hands something to do to help relieve the irritation. Keep a ball or other “fiddling” toy to hand and use it when you feel stressed, remembering to breathe slowly and relax.


To reduce anxiety, concentrate your attention on a point a few inches below your navel and halfway between your front and back. Let your body relax and make sure your knees and jaw are soft.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Share your feedback with us. Also, yoga is a wonderful way to destress as well. Cheers to life.


[1] Berger BG, Owen DR. Mood alteration with yoga and swimming: aerobic exercise may not be necessary. Percept Mot Skills. 1992 Dec;75(3 Pt 2):1331-43.

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