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The Top 20 Fibre Foods


The Top 20 Fibre Foods



There’s nothing more irritating and miserable than constipation. URRRRRRRRRGH!!!! And am sure that you would not like to face it any day to come. If so, surely think of taking fibre (though required in small amounts-20 to 30 grams) regularly. This would not only help you fight obesity but also treat some diseases, keeping you energized, fit and overall healthy. It is not just a whole wheat bread but a lot more you need to take in as far as fibre is concerned. All you need to do is look for tasty and healthy fibre-rich foods and have easy making recipes in hand so as to prepare a dish which is gonna boost your fibre count and add grace to our nutrition profile.Let’s have a look.



Out with your spouse or in a mid-day party, corns give an awesome taste to your tongue in addition to carrying a good fibre content.


A medium sized baked potato without its skin peeled, can provide fibre as high as 5 grams.


Beans are quiet rich in fibre but should be taken in limited amounts to avoid constipation.


Strawberries and raspberries can really amplify up your fibre intake, even if taken in small amounts.


An apple as big as your fist has about 4 grams of fibre.


This fruit provides fibre up to 10 grams. You can try on recipes of avocado and grapes with little topping of cream or olive oil greasing.


1/4th cup of porridge can serve you 7 grams of fibre. What could be lighter and delicious than a porridge full of oats in winter mornings.


Fresh green peas can add a vibrant colour effect to your dish and simultaneously provide a great deal of fibre content.


You can easily have different colours and sizes of whole wheat pasta from your nearest grocery store and fulfil the taste and fibre requirement of your body.


Almonds and pistachios are sophisticated eatables and are sufficiently rich in fibre.


Be it rice, bread or wheat, try having brown instead of white varieties. Brown ones are richer in fibre content and carry low amount of sugar in them.


Immature boiled soybeans or dried soybeans are high in fibre and also rich in proteins. So there’s no harm in adding them to diet.


This super fibre rich legume can really boost up your fibre content.


Figs or pears rate high in fiber attributes. As far as possible, have them along with their peels.


Broccoli effectively prevents cancer [1] and carries an appreciable amount of fibre. A cup of boiled broccoli offers about 5 grams of fibre.


It is a heart friendly whole grain which has respectable fiber content in it. You can comfortably have them in you breakfast.


These are fine edible cereals, rich in fibre.


They can be occasionally added to home-made ketchups, pasta or even salads so as to enhance the fibre supply.


It is fibre rich and can be a part of cakes, chocolate shakes, coffee etc.


Spinach is an excellent source of fibre. This green leafy vegetable can do wonders to your body. Try it to believe it.

Now that you’ve already jotted down your choicest fibre sources, take a quick look to what follows before actually adding them to your diet

  • Increase your fibre intake gradually. Taking low fibre foods today and 40 grams of fiber tomorrow can stress your digestive system.
  • Fibres act as sponges and squeeze out water from your body to perform better. So, as you add fibres to your diet, try to drink more water than before.
  • Keeping the skin intact for most fruits and vegetables is good for taking maximum amount of fibres.

That was one febre stuffed blog for you all. Do not refrain yourself from posting in your intellectual comments. We’d be more than glad if you’d tweet what you just learnt.


[1] Li Y, Zhang T, Korkaya H, Liu S, Lee HF, Newman B, Yu Y, Clouthier SG, Schwartz SJ, Wicha MS, Sun D. Sulforaphane, a dietary component of broccoli/broccoli sprouts, inhibits breast cancer stem cells. PMCID: PMC2862133.

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