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Health Benefits of Food That Look Like Your Body Parts


Health Benefits of Food That Look Like Your Body Parts


avocado, walnut, red wine, tomato, carrot

Once in a while, you may have received comments that your body resembles the shape of a pear, an apple or maybe a carrot. It sounds silly of course, comparing one’s appearance with a fruit or a vegetable.

However, on the contrary, there are certain foods that actually resemble certain body organs. Not only just that, consuming them can also contribute significantly to their health.

Here’s the list of some foods that I came across and their associated health benefits.


Walnuts resemble highly with either hemisphere of the brain. Research says, tree nuts, especially walnuts, are the food for the brain.walnut brain

The human brain is composed of about 60 percent structural fat, and it requires high quality fatty acids to keep it fluid and flexible. The cell membranes are made of essential fats, including omega 3 fatty acids. They keep the membranes flexible and promote the flow of electrical impulses.[1]

Walnuts are high in omega 3 fatty acids which enhances the functioning of the brain.

Research has further revealed that these brain shaped nuts also help in mitigating cognitive decline with age and lower the chances of premature death.[2]


carrot eyeSlice a carrot into half, and you’ll see that it resembles the texture of the human eye.

And the old wives tale about how it contributes to its health is actually true.

Carrot is rich in beta-carotene, a caretonoid, which is converted into Vitamin A, a vital anti-oxidant that damages free radicals from the eye cells and the rest of the body.

It protects the eye from common nutritional deficiency that can lead to loss of vision and research says that the compound betacarotene is inversely related to lung cancer incidence.[3] 

So glad, I am already a fan of this one.


The ginger root looks similar to the stomach and is a hot and spicy way to treat digestion problems.ginger-stomach

Although not common among Americans, this strong spicy ingredient in used in numerous recipes across the globe. Plus, it makes sense to add this to your kitchen list for its long known medicinal properties.

Ginger is great for you, if you have a sluggish digestive system as it effectively cures an upset stomach, eases motion sickness, and relieves you from flatulence.

Research shows that acetone extracts of ginger aids in bile secretion which boosts digestion.[4]

If you otherwise don’t include it your recipes, an easy way to enjoy its benefits is by making ginger tea. The first sign of nausea you receive, just drink a cup of ginger drink, and it it will be gone in no time.


tomato gheartWhen you slice open a tomato, you’ll see that its multiple chambers resemble the structure of your heart.

According to The Center For Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease contributes to 1 in every 4 deaths in the U.S.

Tomatoes could save you because they are rich in an antioxidant called lycophene, which according to research can reduce cholesterol levels within a week, thus lowering the risk of heart disease[5].  Another study further associates them with reduced occurrence of prostate cancer.[6]

Plus, tomatoes are cholesterol free, so it anyways do not add up to the building of plaque in your heart. In fact, rich in vitamin b3, it helps to lower the level of cholesterol in your body.

Plenty of reasons to indulge in a tomato rich salad.

Red Wine

red wine bloodWondering what red wine could possibly resemble in your body? Well, not any body organ, of course, but it certainly resembles of what you can see beside you, blood.

The perfect drink to include in your Mediterranean diet, red wine is actually healthy for the heart.

This alcoholic beverage is rich in antioxidants, that protect the lining of the blood vessels. Red wine also contains polyphenols, one named resveratrol in particular, that prevents blood vessels from further damage. Studies say that resveratrol reduces bad cholesterol, prevents blood clotting and possesses anti-inflammatory properties which can further lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.[7]

So, there’s no need to feel guilty anymore about that evening glass of wine.


avocado-uterusResembling the structure of a uterus, avocado is one of those fruits which contain healthy fats, boosting our overall health. For pregnant mothers, this is a must eat, as it contains folate which boosts reproductive health and fosters the growth of the foetus during pregnancy.

Folate, a member of the vitamin B group, is naturally found in green leafy vegetables and fruits. It is much healthier to consume folate from natural food sources than from folic acid supplements, which are oxidized synthetic compounds. Just so you know, recent studies have raised health concerns about high intake of folic acid supplements.[8]

Research also revealed that if consumed more than the desired intake, folic acid may remain unmetabolized in the blood system.[9]

So, as you see, fruits like avocado are a safe bet when it concerns your reproductive health. Moreover, this fruit is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which I mentioned, are healthy essential fats you can reward your body with.

But, due to its high calorie count, it is wise that you stick to not more than one fruit per day.

Well, I hope you guys had fun browsing through these unique food list which specifically target those body parts that they resemble and how they are related nutrition wise. If you know of any other such fruit or vegetable, feel free to share in the comments below.


[1]Kidd PM (2007). Omega-3 DHA and EPA for cognition, behavior, and mood: clinical findings and structural-functional synergies with cell membrane phospholipids. Alternative medicine review : a journal of clinical therapeutic, 12 (3), 207-27 PMID: 18072818. ^Back to Top^

[2]Swanson, D., Block, R., & Mousa, S. (2012). Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal, 3 (1), 1-7 DOI: 10.3945/​an.111.000893. ^Back to Top^

[3]Knekt, P., Jarvinen, R., Teppo, L., Aromaa, A., & Seppanen, R. (1999). Role of Various Carotenoids in Lung Cancer Prevention JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 91 (2), 182-184 DOI: 10.1093/jnci/91.2.182. ^Back to Top^

[4]Johji, Y., Keizo, M., Takeshi, C., Tokunosuke, S., Hajime, F., Toshiaki, T., Kimiko, N., & Toshihiro, N. (1985). Cholagogic effect of ginger and its active constituents Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 13 (2), 217-225 DOI: 10.1016/0378-8741(85)90009-1. ^Back to Top^

[5]Rao AV (2002). Lycopene, tomatoes, and the prevention of coronary heart disease. Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 227 (10), 908-13 PMID: 12424333. ^Back to Top^

[6]Giovannucci E, Rimm EB, Liu Y, Stampfer MJ, & Willett WC (2002). A prospective study of tomato products, lycopene, and prostate cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 94 (5), 391-8 PMID: 11880478. ^Back to Top^

[7]Shrikhande, A. (2000). Wine by-products with health benefits Food Research International, 33 (6), 469-474 DOI: 10.1016/S0963-9969(00)00071-5. ^Back to Top^

[8]Kim YI (2007). Folic acid fortification and supplementation--good for some but not so good for others. Nutrition reviews, 65 (11), 504-11 PMID: 18038943. ^Back to Top^

[9]Wright AJ, Dainty JR, & Finglas PM (2007). Folic acid metabolism in human subjects revisited: potential implications for proposed mandatory folic acid fortification in the UK. The British journal of nutrition, 98 (4), 667-75 PMID: 17617936. ^Back to Top^

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