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Interval Training For Beginners


Interval Training For Beginners




interval training for beginners

What is Interval Training?

Interval Training comprise the cardio exercises that are composed of high intensity and low intensity workout that are performed alternatively.


Effective Workout!

The most important aspect of performing interval training is to have an effective cardio workout. Workout is all about stepping up, taking the best out of your workout session and relax. The most effective interval training sessions long for 20 minutes. In fact, you can take the best out from your 20 minutes session. Going beyond that will make you feel fatigue.

In a study is was concluded that short sprint interval training (approximately 15 min of intense exercise over 2 wk) has the potential to double endurance.[1]

Super Workout for People With Heart Issues

A small research conducted on patients with stable heart failure, it was found that interval training conferred greater gains than moderate continuous training.[2] Another important study in this regard found that exercise intensity was an important factor for improving aerobic capacity and reversing the risk factors of the metabolic syndrome.[3]

These findings may have important implications for exercise training in rehabilitation programs and future studies.

End of Boredom!

Do you get tired of performing the same exercise daily ? Then kick on some awesome interval training exercises and get rid-off from boredom. You will perform better with all your muscles working right to sweat you more!

Plus, interval training can be incorporated into all kinds of workouts:

Fat Burning at its best!

Interval training lets you burn more. It lets you move away from traditional fat burning exercises and shows a better anabolic effect on your body.

Better metabolism!

It has been observed that your body shows a better metabolism mechanism AFTER you perform a workout. Also, a short-term sprint interval training has positive effect on human skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism.[4]

Some people believe that interval training is only for women as they can not sustain long periods of workouts. Or that men do not benefit from it as much as women do. But, science says otherwise. It has been medically proven that interval training has same effect on both genders.[5]

A Program for Beginners

What to do?

How long to do? Intensity (1-10)

Warm up at 4.5 mph

5 Minutes 3.5

Jog at 5.5 mph

1 Minutes 6.5

Jog at 5 mph

2 Minutes 5

Jog at 5.7 mph

1 Minutes 7

Jog at 4.8 mph

2 Minutes 4

Jog at 5.5 mph

1 Minutes 6.5

Jog at 5 mph

2 Minutes 5

Jog at 5.7mph

1 Minutes 7

Jog at 4.8 mph

2 Minutes 4

Some Important Points for Beginners

  • The interval training program cannot be performed every day. It requires a lot of effort to keep to the level of high intensity training. So the key should be to perform this workout twice in a week.
  • Don’t go beyond your ability of working out; the moment you feel tired or worn out, stop yourself and have some rest.
  • Cooling your body is important. Take rest after regular intervals. It prepares you to go on for next exercise (apart from the interval training session).

Now, you are well equipped with all the prior knowledge you need for the beginner’s interval training workout. Ping us when you are ready for the advanced level. We will serve you the best.

Also Read:

  1. Add Comfort To Hiking With Yoga And Interval Training
  2. HIIT : High Intensity Interval Training
  3. The Complete Guide to Interval Training (Infographic) by Greatist

[1] Burgomaster KA, Hughes SC, Heigenhauser GJ, Bradwell SN, Gibala MJ. Six sessions of sprint interval training increases muscle oxidative potential and cycle endurance capacity in humans. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2005 Jun;98(6):1985-90. Epub 2005 Feb 10. PubMed PMID: 15705728. ^Back to Top^

[2] Maiorana A. Interval training confers greater gains than continuous training in people with heart failure. J Physiother. 2012;58(3):199. doi: 10.1016/S1836-9553(12)70113-3. PubMed PMID: 22884189. ^Back to Top^

[3] Tjønna AE, Lee SJ, Rognmo Ø, Stølen TO, Bye A, Haram PM, Loennechen JP, Al-Share QY, Skogvoll E, Slørdahl SA, Kemi OJ, Najjar SM, Wisløff U. Aerobic interval training versus continuous moderate exercise as a treatment for the metabolic syndrome: a pilot study. Circulation. 2008 Jul 22;118(4):346-54. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.108.772822. Epub 2008 Jul 7. PubMed PMID: 18606913; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2777731. ^Back to Top^

[4] Burgomaster KA, Heigenhauser GJ, Gibala MJ. Effect of short-term sprint interval training on human skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism during exercise and time-trial performance. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2006 Jun;100(6):2041-7. Epub 2006 Feb 9. PubMed PMID: 16469933. ^Back to Top^

[5] Carter SL, Rennie CD, Hamilton SJ, Tarnopolsky. Changes in skeletal muscle in males and females following endurance training. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2001 May;79(5):386-92. PubMed PMID: 11405241. ^Back to Top^
  1. himanshu arora

    July 21, 2013

    Wow. Awesome work by the energetic girl. Motivates me to start interval training from tomorrow. I like it.

  2. Nicely written 🙂
    Good work 🙂 keep it up